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3 x Seman Segal (7")
3 x English Small Cone Studs BLACK - Bag of 100
1 x English Tall Cone Studs - Bag of 500
2 x English Tall Cone Studs - Bag of 100
2 x English Standard Cone Studs Bag of 50
3 x Sew on Stud Roll 2 Yards - Cones
3 x English Standard Cone Studs Bag of 1000
2 x English Tall Cone Studs BLACK - Bag of 1000
3 x English Standard Cone Studs Bag of 100
2 x Melt Banana - 666 (6")
3 x Pozilga / Obni - Split (7")
3 x Tiny Cone Studs Bag of 100
2 x English Tall Cone Studs - Bag of 100
2 x Lip Cream - Metal Badge
3 x Defects - Metal Badge
2 x Obituary - 1 - Metal Badge
2 x Antischism - Sticker
2 x Conflict - Logo - Sticker
3 x Metallica - Name - Metal Badge
2 x Crime - Sticker
3 x Colera - Sticker
4 x Conflict - The Ungovernable - Sticker
2 x Flux Of Pink Indians - Sticker
2 x Civil Disobedience - Sticker
3 x Disaster - Metal Badge
3 x Thou Shalt Suffer - Metal Badge
2 x Genocide - Sticker
2 x Disclose - Sound Assault - Sticker
4 x Nihilist - Metal Badge
4 x Obituary - 2 - Metal Badge
2 x Destroy - Sticker
3 x Direct Control - Sticker
2 x Sepultura - Metal Badge
2 x Disorder - Name - Sticker
2 x Chaos UK - Metal Badge
3 x Discharge - A + Face - Metal Badge
2 x MDC - Klan Cop - Metal Badge
2 x Big Boys - Sticker
4 x Broken Bones - Decapitated - Sticker
4 x Freeze - Sticker
2 x Discharge - Name - Sticker
2 x Confuse - Band - Sticker
2 x Benumb - Sticker
2 x Battalion of Saints - Metal Badge
2 x Dark Funeral - Metal Badge
2 x B.G.K. - Sticker
4 x Blitz - Name - Metal Badge
4 x Dystopia - Name - Metal Badge
4 x Satans Host - Metal Badge
2 x Actives - Sticker
2 x Kaaos - Metal Badge
4 x Varukers - Metal Badge
2 x Discharge - Skulls - Sticker
2 x Anima Mundi - Sticker
2 x Bad Brains - Sticker
2 x Axiom - Sticker
2 x I Like Punk Rock Music And Maybe Like 3 People - Book
3 x Dark Angel - Metal Badge
2 x Chaos Z - Sticker
2 x Disrupt - Sticker
3 x Misfits - Skull - Metal Badge
2 x Code 13 - Skull - Sticker
2 x Kuro - Metal Badge
2 x Blanks 77 - Metal Badge
2 x Motorhead - White Skull - Metal Badge
2 x Germs - Metal Badge
3 x Blitz - Skull - Metal Badge
2 x ANTI PRODUCT - Back Patch
1 x Depression / Mesrine - Split (cd)
1 x ABORTED - Skeleton - Back Patch
1 x ABORTED - Name - Patch
1 x 4 Skins - Fistful - Back Patch
2 x ASOCIAL - Back Patch
1 x BRUCE BANNER - Humanity - Patch
1 x BRAIN DEATH - Patch
1 x Effigy - Evil Fragments - Sticker
1 x No Choice - “Maestro Dei Sensi” (cd)
2 x CIRCLE ONE - Patch
2 x Indigesti - Poster
1 x Disclose - D-Beat Skull - Button
2 x Genocide Sorto - Final Path To Destruction (LP)
1 x Fug - “Can I Have Your Skull?” (cd)
1 x CHAOS U.K. - Burning Britain - Back Patch
1 x ANTISCHISM - A - Back Patch
1 x Extinction of Mankind - Proud to be skum - Button
1 x Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk - Book
3 x CONFLICT - The Battle Continues - Back Patch
2 x CHAOS U.K. - Burning Britain - Patch
1 x Lurkers - 26 Years (cd)
1 x How To Brew - Book
1 x Grunt - Total Disgust - Sticker
2 x Stains - Nineteen Eighty (LP)
1 x Instant Agony - Sticker
2 x BESTHOVEN - Name - Patch
2 x Neuroot - Right Is Might (LP)
1 x A//POLITICAL - Ghetto - Back Patch
2 x AGRESSION - Skull Cop - Back Patch
1 x ACTIVE MINDS - Patch
1 x BLITZ - Skull - Back Patch
2 x BROKEN BONES - Crucifix - Back Patch
1 x BOOT PARTY - Patch
1 x Disrespect - Justice In A Bag (cd)
2 x ANTI NAZI - Back Patch
1 x CONFLICT - Disarm or Die - Patch
2 x ASSRASH - Alcohol & Pain - Back Patch
2 x Colera - Back Patch
1 x Rovsvett - Kick Ass (cd)
1 x Icons Of Filth - Sticker
1 x Conflict - Deploying All Means Necessary (cd)
1 x BROKEN BONES - Crossbone - Back Patch
1 x American Hardcore - A Tribal History
2 x Nardcore - Poster
1 x Agression - Band - Poster
1 x BIG BOYS - Skate For Fun - Patch
2 x ANTISCHISM - Patch
1 x Peace - Button
1 x Boycot - Total Boycot (cd)
1 x Crass - Symbol - Metal Badge
1 x Defiance - Metal Badge
1 x ATOMKINDER - patch
1 x Nausea - Lie Cycle - Button
1 x Discharge - Band - Sticker
1 x David King - Stencials - Book
1 x Blitzkrieg - Back From Nowhere (cd)
1 x AXEGRINDER - Wings - Back Patch
1 x APPENDIX - Patch
1 x BLITZKRIEG - Patch
1 x ANFO - Sacro Egoismo (cd) 10" packing
1 x Distraught - Name - Button
1 x Bomb - Button
1 x Iron Columns - World Wide Mind Control (cd)
2 x ATTAK - Patch
2 x BROTHER INFERIOR - Name - Patch
1 x Gurkha / Malignant Tumour - Split (cd)
1 x ADICTS - Patch
1 x CHARLES BRONSON - Back Patch
1 x Bikes Not Bombs - Bike - Button
2 x CAT FLAG - Back Patch
1 x ANTI PRODUCT - Name - Patch
2 x English Small Cone Studs - Bag of 100
1 x The Stencil Graffiti Handbook - Book
2 x AXEGRINDER - Star - Back Patch
1 x BATTLE OF DISARM - Monkies - Patch
4 x CHARLES BRONSON - Club - Patch
2 x AUS-ROTTEN - Anti Imperialist - Back Patch
1 x Nasty - Graves (cd)
1 x Misery Index/Structure Of Lies - Split (cd)
1 x CRAMPS - Band - Back Patch
1 x BUSINESS - Smash The Discos - Patch
2 x ANTI NOWHERE LEAGUE (White) - Back Patch
2 x ADICTS - Songs of Praise - Back Patch
1 x Zebra Pink
1 x BIG BOYS - Back Patch
1 x Dead Kennedys: Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables: The Early Yea
2 x 4 SKINS - One Law - Back Patch
1 x Abandon All Hope - "From The Deathbed Of…" (cd)
1 x What I see - Black flag pictures - Book
1 x APOCALYPSE - Patch
3 x CODE OF HONOR - Fight - Patch
1 x BROKEN BONES - Skull - Patch
3 x CONFLICT - Liberate - Back Patch
1 x Hellside Stranglers - "Love You To Death" (cd)
1 x Oppressed Logic - Ones That Control (cd)
1 x Riistetyt - S/T (10")
1 x GISM - Wings Cross - Button
1 x Decrepit - Button
2 x Asta Kask - Back Patch
1 x Phobia - Remnants of Filth (cd)
3 x ASSUCK - Name - Patch
1 x Our Band Could Be Your Life: Scenes from the American Indie Unde
2 x BUZZCOCKS - Band - Back Patch
2 x BUZZCOCKS - Blue and Red - Back Patch
2 x AUS-ROTTEN - Family Gas Mask - Back Patch
1 x Skeptix - Poster
1 x Phobia - Get Up And Kill! (cd)
1 x AUS ROTTEN - Oil - Back Patch
1 x C.O.P. - Button
3 x ANTI CIMEX - Skull Cross - Back Patch
1 x Punk Rock Fun Time Activity Book
1 x L.O.S. - Moustache Attack (cd)
2 x BAD BRAINS - Capitol - Back Patch
1 x Disorder - Metal Badge
1 x Desolatevoid - Self Medicated Pyscho Therapy (cd)
1 x Burning Britain - History of UK Punk 80-84
2 x Circle One - Poster
1 x Cluster Bomb Unit - Button
2 x Husker Du - Metal Badge
1 x Cyness - Loony Planet/Industreality (cd)
1 x Straight Edge - Button
1 x Leather Paint Dye - Large 4oz - Red
1 x AXIOM - Patch
1 x BRISTLE - Patch
1 x V/A - Holland Hardcore Comp (6xLP)
1 x Nailbiter - The Direction Of Hate (cd)
1 x JFA - Singing - Sticker
1 x ANTI-SYSTEM - Name - Patch
1 x Punk 45 - Book
1 x We're Not Here to Entertain - Book
1 x 4 SKINS - Patch
1 x Allergic To Whores / Mccarthy Commission - Split (cd)
2 x CASUALTIES - Hardcore Punk - Back Patch
1 x BANNER OF HOPE - Patch
1 x ANTI FLAG - Patch
1 x Anti - Defy - Button
1 x Dead Wretched - Sticker
1 x BLANKS 77 - Back Patch
1 x His Hero is Gone - Sticker
2 x ANTISCHISM - No Dollar - Back Patch
1 x MDC - Poster
1 x Casualties - Name - Metal Badge
1 x Otophobia - Malignant (cd)
2 x ANTISECT - Back Patch
1 x ABORTED - Wolf Dog - Patch
1 x AXEGRINDER - Sword - Patch
1 x ASSUCK - Misery Index - Patch
1 x The Punx - Poster
2 x AMEBIX - No Sanctuary - Back Patch
1 x Antisect - Sticker
1 x DOA - Sticker
1 x COCKNEY REJECTS - Band - Back Patch
2 x English Small Cone Studs - Bag of 50
1 x GISM - Skeleton Cross - Button
1 x English Standard Cone Studs Bag of 500
1 x AGRESSION - Band - Patch
1 x Cooters - Chaos Or Bust (cd)
1 x Rude Boy - Two Tone - Metal Badge
2 x ANTI PASTI - Back Patch
1 x Bastards - Siberian Hardcore (cd)
2 x BIKE - A - Back Patch
1 x Framtid - Sticker
1 x Colera - Poster
2 x Combat 84 - Button
1 x GISM - Anarchy Violence - Sticker
3 x CRASS - Be Warned (white on black) - Patch
1 x BROKEN BONES - Decapitate - Back Patch
1 x Grimple - Sticker
1 x AGHAST - Patch
1 x BAD BRAINS - Name - Patch
1 x Gauze - Poster
2 x CONFUSE - Atrocious Madness - Back Patch
1 x CRAMPS - Top Hat - Back Patch
1 x A.P.P.L.E. - Patch
4 x CONFLICT - Name - Patch
1 x COURT MARTIAL - Back Patch
2 x ACCUSED - Name - Patch
1 x Wimpy Rutherford and the cryptics - live (LP)
2 x BATTALION OF SAINTS - Logo - Back Patch
1 x ANTISCHISM - Back Patch
1 x Rajoitus - Hat Morker Amfetamin (cd)
1 x N.O.T.A. - Live At The Crystal (cd)
1 x A//POLITICAL - Flower - Back Patch
1 x CHRON GEN - Red - Back Patch
1 x Day The Country Died - Book
1 x Krays - A Time For Action (cd)
1 x Brigade S - “Aso-Pack” (cd)
1 x Adunata/Antiruggine - "Split" (cd)
1 x Indigesti - Sticker
1 x Funeral Dress - Punks And Skins - Button
1 x Bikes Not Bombs - Button
1 x Code 13 - Back Patch
2 x Star Large Studs 1 1/8 Bag of 100
2 x CRASS - Already Dead - Back Patch
1 x English Tall Cone Studs - Bag of 1000
1 x Inepsy - Sticker
3 x APPENDIX - Raha - Back patch
1 x Sham 69 - Metal Badge
1 x BREAD AND WATER - Name (square) - Patch
1 x English Tall Cone Studs - Bag of 50
1 x ASSRASH - Patch
1 x Leopard Purple & White
2 x BATTLE OF DISARM - Doves - Back Patch
1 x Anaeroba - Over The Walls And Borders (cd)
1 x 50 Assorted Needles
1 x All Torn Up - Drone Life - (cd)
2 x ANTI - Back Patch
2 x COCKSPARRER - Shock Troops - Back Patch
1 x CHANNEL 3 - Patch
1 x Vivisected Cat - Button
1 x Hell Krusher - Sticker
2 x AVSKUM - Crucifix - Back Patch
2 x BUSINESS - Back Patch
1 x Subhumans - Name - Metal Badge
1 x Bollweevils - History Of The Bollweevils Part II (cd)
1 x Too Fast to Live Too Young to Die: Punk & Post Punk Graphics 197
2 x BENUMB - Patch
1 x Dead In The Water - S/T (7")
1 x Raw Power - Still Screaming (cd)
2 x CASUALTIES - Skull - Back Patch
2 x BOOT PARTY - Skinhead - Back Patch
1 x Czolgosz - Liberation (cd)
1 x Real Swinger - Rubber Ball (cd)
1 x BUSINESS - Name - Patch
1 x Agathocles - Sticker
1 x Clock - Infa Riot
1 x CITIZEN FISH - Patch
2 x AGRESSION - Nardcore - Back Patch
1 x CASUALTIES - Name - Patch
1 x Active Measures - The Secret History of Disinformation - Book
1 x ANTI PRODUCT - Band - Patch
1 x ASTA KASK - Name - Patch
1 x The Encyclopedia of Punk - Book
2 x BATTALION OF SAINTS - Skeletons - Back Patch
1 x Entropia - (cd)
1 x Discipline - Frontline Skins (cd)
2 x BLITZKRIEG - Lest We Forget - Back Patch
1 x Agression - Cop - Poster
1 x Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopedia Vol. 1 - Book
1 x Riistetyt - Valtion Vankina - Poster
1 x BUZZCOCKS - Name - Patch
1 x Pack / Sol - Split (cd)
2 x CHELSEA - Name - Patch
2 x ASSUCK - Misery Index - Back Patch
1 x Phobia / Gadget - Split (cd)
1 x GISM - Anarchy Violence Skull - Button
1 x Kaos - Komplete Kaos (cd)
2 x ANTI CIMEX - Sweden - Back Patch
1 x Phobia - 22 Random Acts Of Violence (cd)
2 x Channel Three - Live (LP)
2 x Dr Know - Poster
1 x AUS-ROTTEN - Name - Patch
1 x Spray Paint the Walls: The Story of Black Flag - Book
1 x AGRESSION - Patch
2 x 7 SECONDS - E.P. - Back Patch
1 x Dread - Bonnie & Clyde (LP)
1 x C.F.D.L. - Patch
2 x Confuse - Button
1 x CASUALTIES - Underground Army - Patch
1 x Napalm Death - Leaders Not Followers (cd)
2 x BLANKS 77 - Logo - Patch
2 x BAD BRAINS - Patch
1 x Nazi Dogs - Chase The Man (cd)
2 x BROKEN BONES - Swamp - Back Patch
1 x Krays - Sticker
2 x Mudlarks - S/T (LP)
1 x Ignite - Straight Ahead (2xcd)
1 x Czolgosz - Guernica (cd)
1 x ANTI-PASTI - Patch
1 x Gauze - Sticker
1 x MDC - Cops - Metal Badge
1 x MDC - Memoir from a Damaged Civilization - Book
1 x Broken Bones - Button
1 x BROKEN BONES - Name - Patch
2 x APPLE - Back Patch
1 x Discharge - Jacket - Sticker
1 x Cramps - Metal Badge
1 x AVSKUM - Name - Patch
1 x GISM - Punks is Hippies - Button
2 x CLUSTER BOMB UNIT - Back Patch
1 x CLOCKWORK ORANGE - Name - Patch
1 x Epidemic - S/T (cd)
1 x Benumb - By Means Of Upheaval (cd)
1 x Cone British Tall Cone Studs - Bag of 1000
1 x ANTI CIMEX - Sweden - Patch
1 x AUS-ROTTEN - Gas Mask Family - Patch
2 x BGK - Straight Jacket - Back Patch
2 x BROKEN BONES - Trader - Back Patch
1 x Cockney Rejects - Button
1 x Scurvy Dogs - It's All Gonna End (cd)
2 x ANTI NOWHERE LEAGUE - Yellow - Back Patch
3 x CLASH - Band - Patch
1 x Rovsvett - Thitma Karin (cd)
1 x 4 Skins - Button
1 x Fear - Name - Button
1 x Brother Inferior - Button
1 x Fear - I Don't Care About You - Button
1 x Shell Shock - Born To Kill (cd)
1 x Crass - Anti War - Button
1 x Casualties - Skulls - Button
1 x Flux Of Pink Indians - Not So Brave - Button
1 x Schleprock - Propeller
1 x Assuck - Misery Index - Button
1 x Disrupt - Name - Button
1 x Adicts - Button
1 x Severed Head Of State - Power Hazard (cd)
1 x Anthrax - Button
1 x Dustnoise - Button
1 x A//Political - Flower - Button
1 x Germs - Circle - Button
1 x Negative Approach - Metal Badge
1 x CRASS - Freedom - Back Patch
1 x DECRY - Falling - Back Patch
3 x CHRON GEN - Name - Patch
1 x Entombed - Metal Badge
1 x D.I. - Animal - Back Patch
1 x DEAD KENNEDYS - Too Drunk - Back Patch
1 x Dwarves - Metal Badge
2 x DR. KNOW - Back Patch
2 x DISORDER - Distortion Till Deafness - Back patch
1 x Joy Division - Metal Badge
1 x D.R.I. - Dancing - Back Patch
1 x CRASS - Symbol - Back Patch
1 x DISCLOSE - Raw Sound - Back Patch
1 x Damned - Dinner - Back Patch
1 x DEPRIVED - Riot - Back Patch
1 x DOOM - Sweden - Back Patch
1 x DOOM - Doomed From The Start - Back Patch
1 x DEAD KENNEDYS - Kill The Poor - Back Patch
1 x DISORDER - Perdition - Back Patch
1 x DISCHARGE - Skulls (Red on Black) - Back Patch
1 x Massacre - Metal Badge
1 x DEAD KENNEDYS - Back Patch
1 x DOA - To Hell - Back Patch
1 x Iron Maiden - Metal Badge
1 x DESTRUCKTIONS - Vox Populi - Back Patch
1 x DEFIANCE - Against The Law - Back Patch
1 x DECRY - Strapped In - Back Patch
1 x Never Trust A Hippie - Metal Badge
1 x MASSACRE - Skull - Patch
1 x DEFECTS - Back Patch
1 x GUDON - Patch
1 x DISRUPT - Pigs Suck - Back Patch
1 x DISRUPT - Cops - Back Patch
1 x CRUCIFIX - Peace - Back Patch
1 x CRESS - Violence - Back Patch
1 x Exploited - Metal Badge
1 x DISCLOSE - Skull - Back Patch
1 x DEMOB - Anti-Police - Back Patch
1 x DISRUPT - Smash Divisions - Back Patch
2 x DEAD KENNEDYS - Wall - Patch
1 x EXPLOITED - Wattie - Patch
1 x WARCOLLAPSE - Name 2 - Patch
2 x DETESTATION - Skulls - Patch
1 x Broken Bones - Poster
1 x ENEMY SOIL - Patch
2 x DECRY - Patch
1 x DISRUPTERS - Name - Patch
2 x CRIME - Robber - Patch
1 x OI - Boots - Button
1 x ESKORBUTO - Band - Patch
2 x DEPRIVED - Patch
2 x DEFIANCE - Patch - Embroidered
2 x CRESS - Patch
1 x FILTH - Brick - Patch
2 x DISCLOSE - Raw - Patch
1 x DR. KNOW - Name - Patch
2 x CRASS - Persons Unknown (black on white) - Patch
1 x CONFLICT - Symbol + Name - Patch
2 x EPILEPTICS - Patch
1 x DEMOB - Patch
2 x DECONTROL - Gas Mask - Patch
2 x CRUCFIX - Dehumanization - Patch
1 x DISCLOSE - Skull - Patch
1 x CRAVATS - Patch
1 x FITS - Patch
1 x FARTZ - Patch
1 x FILTH - Chaos - Patch
2 x DEZERTER - Patch
1 x DISCLOSE - Name - Patch
1 x FILTH - Destroy Everything - Patch
2 x CRASS - Justice - Patch
1 x X-RAY SPEX - Patch
1 x TSOL - Patch
1 x D.R.I. - Name - Patch
2 x DISTRAUGHT - Name - Patch
1 x DISPROVE - Name - Patch
1 x EXISTENZ - Patch
1 x DISORDER - Mental Disorder - Patch
2 x DEAD KENNEDYS - Kill The Poor - Patch
1 x Sabotage The System - Button
1 x Extinction Of Mankind (white on black) - Button
1 x UNSEEN - Freedom - Patch
1 x MENACE - Patch
1 x OXBLOOD - Patch
1 x BLACK FLAG - Name + Bars - Patch
1 x English Small Cone Studs - Bag of 500
1 x DEFECTS - Patch
1 x ZYKLOME A - Patch
1 x SUBHUMANS - Band - Patch
1 x SHAM 69 - Band - Patch
1 x FLEAS AND LICE - Name - Patch
1 x UNWISE - Patch
1 x HAYWIRE - Patch
1 x IMPACT - Patch
1 x TRAGEDY - Patch
1 x U.K. SUBS - Name - Patch
1 x DRONES - Patch
1 x ESKORBUTO - Skeleton - Patch
1 x RED ALERT - Back Patch
1 x U.K. SUBS - AWOL - Back Patch
1 x RESTARTS - Just Gets Worse - Back Patch
1 x SIEGE - Band - Back Patch
1 x DS-13 - Thrash And Burn - Sticker
2 x White Flag - Against - Used 7"
1 x Manic Panic - Electric Amethyst
1 x INFEST - Name - Patch
1 x MDC - Death Burger - Patch
1 x INEPSY - Motorcycle - Back Patch
2 x OI POLLOI - Nuclear Power - Back Patch
1 x NEGATIVE APPROACH - Live - Back Patch
1 x KAAOS - Name - Back Patch
1 x NARCOLEPTIC YOUTH - Eyes - Back Patch
1 x MASSKONTROLL - Anarchy - Back Patch
1 x HELLSHOCK - World Of Darkness - Back Patch
1 x EXPLOITED - Dogs of War RED - Back Patch
1 x OI POLLOI - Gates of Hell - Back Patch
1 x EXECUTE - Great Punk Hits - Back Patch
1 x M.D.C. - Shades Of Brown (cd)
1 x DIRECT CONTROL - Nuclear Tomorrow - Back Patch
1 x CHAOS U.K. - Short Sharp Shock - Back Patch
1 x DISRUPTERS - Back Patch
1 x Confuse - Name - Sticker
2 x Phobia - Cruel (cd)
1 x Defcon 4 - S/T (cd)
1 x In The Shit - A World Of… (cd)
1 x Crime - Button
1 x Damned - White & Red - Back Patch
1 x CHARGE 69 - Patch
1 x CANNIBAL CORPSE - Back Patch
1 x Excrement of War - Sticker
1 x DETESTATION - LP Cover - Back Patch
1 x MANKIND? - Back Patch
1 x AMEBIX - Crow - Back Patch
1 x AGRESSION - Band - Back Patch
1 x ANTIDOTE - Back Patch
1 x BREW NOT BOMBS - Back Patch
1 x CASUALTIES - We Are All We Have - Back Patch
1 x 1 Roll Thread - Black
1 x CASUALTIES - For The Punx- Back Patch
1 x CRISIS - SPS - Back Patch
1 x AMEBIX - War Banner - Back Patch
1 x 999 - Back Patch
1 x BLITZ - Yellow - Back Patch
1 x Bill Bondsman - Swallowed By The World (LP)
1 x UK SUBS - Skeleton - Back Patch
1 x CRAMPS - Name - Patch
2 x CLASH - Name - Patch
1 x DISCHARGE - Skulls - Patch
1 x THREATS - Back Patch
2 x CHARLES BRONSON - Gun - Patch
1 x Resist - Sticker
1 x CONFLICT - Logo - Back Patch
1 x Icons Of Filth - Anarchy - Button
1 x MISFITS - Cuts - Back Patch
1 x Oi Polloi - Eagle - Sticker
1 x NARCOLEPTIC YOUTH - Barbie - Back Patch
2 x ZOUNDS - Back Patch
1 x F - Mess - Back Patch
1 x WOLFBRIGADE - Skull - Back Patch
2 x ZYKLOME A - Back Patch
1 x MENACE - GLC - Back Patch
1 x Bad Brains - Metal Badge
1 x Legion of Parasites - Another Disaster (cd)
1 x FLUX OF PINK INDIANS - All The Arms - Back Patch
1 x FINAL CONFLICT - Mushroom Cloud - Back Patch
1 x MOB - No Doves - Back Patch
1 x Red Cross - Sticker
1 x RATTUS - Uskonto - Back Patch
1 x Warcollapse - Sticker
1 x DEFIANCE - Patch
1 x CORROSION OF CONFORMITY - (white on black) - Patch
1 x DISCHARGE - Name - Patch
1 x DAMNED - Patch
1 x CRIME - Band - Patch
1 x DEAD KENNEDYS - Uber Alles - Patch
1 x DISCHARGE - Anarchy - Patch
1 x DISORDER - Name - Patch
1 x DIRT - Patch
1 x D.R.I. - Patch
1 x DEATH IN JUNE - Patch
1 x CRISIS - Name - Patch
1 x CORRUPTED - Patch
1 x DISARM - A - Patch
1 x CRASS - Broken Gun - Patch
1 x CIRCLE ONE - Skull - Patch
1 x DISAFFECT - Patch
1 x Bombs Away - 10 Song EP (LP)
1 x CROW - Who Killed Dove? - Patch
1 x X - Back Patch
1 x WRETCHED - Back Patch
1 x Blanks 77 - Sticker
1 x ANTI CIMEX - Jackets - Back Patch
1 x Social Unrest - Sticker
1 x Tiny Pyramid Studs Bag of 100

Shipping and returns

Shipping Cost:

Shipping cost is determined by weight, for orders that are small and under 13 oz. First class mail will get your order to you usually the cheapest. When multiple items are purchased the cost of shipping goes down and saves you money. Just follow the checkout instructions and you will be given a list of options for shipping and a list of different prices, you can then pick out the shipping method that works best for you.

Shipping Time:

*New shipping schedule starting 2020 we are shipping twice a week now. All orders will be packed every Monday and shipped on Tuesday, the next batch of orders will be packed on Thursday and be in the mail on Friday. So get your order into us by 6PM Pacific time Monday and it will be shipped out the next day any orders after that will be packed on the following Thursday and go out on Friday.

Upon payment your order is usually shipped within 24 hours, sometimes it is shipped the same day. Sometimes during times when we get busy your order can take 2 to 3 days to get shipped. We will email tracking information to you when your order ships, if you didn't recieve the tracking number your order most likely has not shipped yet, also check your junk mail as it could have been caught. If you want your order shipped out fast the best way to make payment is with a credit card or through Paypal, that way we receive payment right away and are able to ship your order out to you as fast as possible. If you choose to pay by mailing in your payment we wait until payment is received before we ship your order to you. If you pay by check or money order there is usually a 2-3 business day delay for your payment to clear. On average your package takes about 5 business days to reach you once payment is made and your order is shipped out. So on average your order usually takes about 1 week from the time you pay until it shows up at your house (Note this is just an average guideline sometimes you will get your order the very next day if you live close to us, sometimes it might take 8 - 14 days if the post office is busy, slow, or comes across problems). The post office does not declare a package lost until 14 business days go by. Orders are normally shipped Monday through Friday, excluding holidays in the order that they come in so the sooner you place your order the faster we can get it to you. 

The post office does not declare a package lost until 14 business days go by. If it has been 14 days or longer after your order says shipped then you can contact us and we will see what the problem is.

Your Account:

You can log into your account at any time and check the status of your orders. Your order will be marked as one of these during the process. 

Processing - If you mail in your payment or if we have yet to update orders your order will remain processing until we have received your payment. When we receive your payment we will update your order to Received.

Received - This means we have received your payment and your order is in line ready to get packed. If you have paid by credit card or Paypal your order should say Received right away.

Packing - This is when we are packing your order. This process is normally 1 day sometimes it can take a little longer.

Shipped - We will update your order to Shipped after we ship it out. When your order is marked shipped we will also email you a tracking number so you can check up on it at any time. The tracking information may not show anything right away it usually takes some time for the post office to update the information so if it doesnt show anything just give it some time and check back later on. Sometimes we will mark your order shipped the night before it is ready to be sent out. Once your order is marked shipped you should have it shortly.

Preparing to ship - If your order is on this status we are still packing your order and it has priority over anything else we are working on and will ship asap.

Returns And Refunds:

Anyone requesting a refund must first contact us to request a refund slip before sending packages back for a refund.
you can use the contact us section of our site or email us directly at support at crustpunks.com we assume the customer has read the item description and knows what product is being purchased. We do accept returns postmarked within 14 days after items were received. For any reason you may return a product or products to us within 14 days for a refund minus a 15% restocking fee. You will not be refunded for any shipping charges. Products returned to us must be as they were when we shipped them to you. If merchandise is returned because of an error on our part your shipping charges will be refunded. 

Contact us for exchanges or store credit. Use our contact us section or email us at support at crustpunks dot com
